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New Sporting Courts Shepparton

That moment when you get to make a real difference is indescribable.

But what we can describe is the epic transformation of the new sporting courts at Shepparton Christian College.

They now have two vibrant, refreshing, and highly functional all-weather spaces to play on year-round. It’s a vast change from the old and tired courts they had before. This is how we made it happen.

All-weather durability

Our mission was clear: create all-weather, durable courts that could withstand the test of time and elements. We started by installing engineered concrete slabs, providing a solid and reliable foundation. These slabs are essential for ensuring the courts’ longevity, particularly in handling the frequent waterlogging that once plagued one of the areas.

New Sporting Court Shepparton Builder

Time for a revamp!

Step one for the New Sporting Courts – Shepparton Christian College was to assess what we were working with.

We knew we had our work cut out for us when we saw the two old fields. One of their sports grounds was almost always underwater, making it dangerous at best and completely unusable for much of the year.

The other was a concrete basketball court that was tired, worn, and very outdated.

All power to Shepparton Christian College who insisted that their kids deserve something better and contacted us to help make that happen.

All-weather durability

Our mission for the New Sporting Courts – Shepparton Christian College was clear: create all-weather, durable courts that could withstand the test of time and elements.

We at Ultracourts started by installing engineered concrete slabs, providing a solid and reliable foundation.

These slabs are essential for ensuring the courts’ longevity, particularly in handling the frequent waterlogging that once plagued one of the areas.

New Sporting Court Shepparton Builders
New Sporting Court Shepparton

Top-notch surface

One of the highlights of these courts is the Rebound Ace “Synpave” surface.

Renowned for its superior quality and performance, Synpave is a cushioned acrylic surface offering excellent grip and comfort for various sports.

It’s weather-resistant design not only enhances the playing experience but also reduces the risk of injuries, making it a win-win for the students of Shepparton Christian College.

It’s long-lasting and easy to maintain so the school and its students can get maximum benefits for years ahead.

Boosting the Student Experience

These new courts have quickly become the heart of activity at Shepparton Christian College. The impact of these courts goes beyond physical benefits. They’ve become a catalyst for fostering a sense of community and teamwork among the students. Whether collaborating on a game or cheering each other on, students are building stronger bonds and having fun together. The new courts have also uplifted the school’s overall aesthetic, contributing to a more positive and inspiring atmosphere.

Only the best

These new sporting courts at Shepparton Christian College transformed previously unstable spaces into functional areas that look fantastic. Not only did we enhance the students’ physical activity options, but we also enriched their school experience. These New Sporting Courts Shepparton represent the school’s commitment to providing the best environment for its students to learn, play, and grow as much as they represent our commitment to creating the best sporting courts.

If your local school or community sporting ground could use a revamp, contact Ultracourts to have a chat about making something old into something new.